Road Safety Programs

The Australian Government is committed to Vision Zero—zero deaths and serious injury due to road crashes, by 2050. We want all road users in Australia to get home safely from every journey, no matter the distance travelled.

The Australian Government's Office of Road Safety facilitates the work towards Vision Zero by federal, state, territory and local governments and the road safety sector. This includes:

  • administering grants for sector-led road safety initiatives
  • developing new programs and initiatives to support Vision Zero and interim targets set through the National Road Safety Strategy.

National Road Safety Action Grants Program

The National Road Safety Action Grants Program (the Program) is a $43.6 million Australian Government initiative to deliver key non-infrastructure commitments in the National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25. The Program provides funding towards non-infrastructure projects critical to reducing deaths and serious injuries on Australian roads, across five key streams:

  1. Community Education and Awareness, including workplace road safety
  2. Vulnerable Road Users
  3. First Nations road safety
  4. Technology and Innovation
  5. Research and Data.

Applications for all streams have now closed and were assessed against the National Road Safety Action Grants Program Guidelines: PDF: 401 KB.

Community Education and Awareness

The Australian Government has committed $4.9 million towards 13 projects under the Community Education and Awareness, including workplace road safety, focus area. The projects will deliver education campaigns and programs for young or disadvantaged drivers, increase awareness for workplace and rural road safety, and increase resources available for road safety education initiatives.

Vulnerable Road Users

The Australian Government has committed $4 million towards ten projects under the Vulnerable Road Users focus area. The projects will focus on implementable solutions and innovation for road safety around schools, people living with disability, cyclist visibility and awareness, road worker safety, and older drivers.

First Nations Road Safety

The Australian Government has committed $6.1 million towards 12 projects under the First Nations Road Safety focus area. The projects will deliver local solutions for First Nations communities and support culturally-relevant road safety messaging.

Technology and Innovation

The Australian Government has committed $6.5 million towards 16 projects under the Community Education and Awareness, including workplace road safety, focus area. The projects will deliver new road safety technologies and conduct research into the effectiveness of new road and vehicle safety technologies.

Research and data

The Australian Government has committed $17.3 million towards 30 projects under the Technology and Innovation focus area. The projects will extend national road safety research and data capabilities as well as collate new or analyse existing data to improve the understanding of emerging and ongoing road safety issues in Australia.