Driver Reviver Australia
Driver Reviver Revitalisation Project
Reinvigorate and expand the Driver Reviver Program – recruiting more volunteers and promoting the Driver Reviver locations to combat driver fatigue.
Campervan and Motorhome Club of Australia
Recreational Vehicles (RV) Safety Awareness Project
Deliver targeted safety awareness programs for drivers of recreational vehicles (i.e. caravans, campervans, motorhomes) and how to interact with road users.
Australasian College of Road Safety
Australasian Road Safety Conference
Support the Australasian Road Safety Conference over four years and fund scholarships for low- and middle-income delegates from the Asia-Pacific and African regions.
Australasian College of Road Safety
International ACRS Outreach Chapter in Asia
Establish an international outreach program for road safety in Asia to apply global best practice to eliminate road trauma.
Traffic Management Association of Australia
Your Speed is Our Safety Campaign
Build driver awareness and understanding of the impact of unsafe driving around roadwork sites on road workers, families and the community.
Safer Australian Roads and Highways (SARAH) Group
National Road Safety Week sponsorship
Support National Road Safety Week – an initiative from the SARAH Group that aims to highlight the impact of road trauma and ways to reduce it.
Australian Road Safety Foundation
Fatality Free Friday
Sponsor Fatality Free Friday – a national call to action for at least one day a year free from road fatalities, to raise awareness about road safety.
Australian Road Safety Foundation
Rural Road Safety Month Campaign
Generate widespread awareness of risky driver behaviour on rural roads, the impacts of these risks and the need for further education.
Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council
Share the Space
Develop a new Share the Space video campaign to raise awareness on sharing paths and streets, with a focus on compassion and understanding for people with disability and the elderly.
Shire of Boddington
Courtesy speed signs
Deliver courtesy speed signs throughout the south west of Western Australia to provide immediate feedback to drivers, allowing them to adjust their speed in real time and improving long-term adherence to speed limits.
Georgina Josephine Foundation
Keeping Kids Safe Around vehicles
Deliver targeted radio promotions to remind parents, carers and the general public to check around vehicles before getting in to drive, in order to prevent injury or worse to those around them.
Re:act (Hardedge)
Resourcing of the Re:act Road Safety Behaviour Change Program
Assist university students to develop communication strategies and creative campaigns to engage their peers and change behaviour on the roads. Selected campaigns will be developed into fully fledged public campaigns.
City of South Perth
Community Safe Speed Promise Campaign with SAS
Install electronic speed awareness signs in school zones and other identified hotspots within the City of South Perth to alert motorists to their speed and encourage them to change their behaviour.
City of Kalamunda
Connecting Safe People to Safe Streets in Kalamunda
Deliver a comprehensive education and awareness program focusing on road safety for Kalamunda drivers and road users.
Amy Gillett Foundation
Sharing Roads Safely – Vulnerable Road User Awareness Training
Deliver a driver training course that aims to increase safe interactions between heavy vehicle drivers and vulnerable road users including pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
Horse SA
Horses, Safety and Riding on Roads
Produce a contemporary education resource for horse riders with a focus on horse behaviours, safety around horses and applying the Australian Road Rules when riding on roads.
Blue Datto
Keeping Safe in NSW
Deliver a road safety education campaign to 3,000 vulnerable and high-risk young drivers in NSW, including critical programs in lower socio-economic areas and in regions where young people have a greater risk of being involved with a crash or fatality.
Sydney Children's Hospital Foundation
Smooth Riding
Deliver Australian Road Rule education to young people, including indigenous groups, in a friendly skateboarding workshop environment.
Shire of Kojonup
Variable Speed Display Signage
Install variable speed display signs for use in the Shire of Kojonup.
North Queensland Toyota Cowboys
Play it Safe – Off the Field and On the Road
Deliver a series of targeted television commercials using the high profile Cowboys players to deliver road safety messaging.