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Intersection crashes account for approximately 20% of fatalities in Australia. The majority of these deaths occur at urban intersections, with a total of 206 people killed at urban intersections in 2016. Many urban intersections have large traffic volumes flowing through them, and speed limits can be up to 80 km/h. Side impacts can lead to serious crash outcomes and the chance of survival decreases rapidly over 50 km/h. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable at intersections and make up over half of the fatalities. Low cost works designed to prevent crashes can reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries.
Outcomes by 2020
Increased safety treatments at urban intersections with the highest risk, leading to reduced numbers of deaths and injuries for all road users. New intersections built to better manage the consequences of collisions.
Actions 2 and 3 (together with A and B) collectively aim to improve the star ratings across the whole road network, with the aim to achieve 3-star AusRAP ratings or better for 80% of travel on state roads, including a minimum of 90% of travel on national highways.
- Increase implementation of safety treatments at urban intersections with the highest risk of death and injury by separating conflicts, installing innovative intersection design, including raised intersections or raised platforms and implementing variable speed limits. On a case-by-case basis consider treatments such as only allowing filter turns (left and right) at signals where the risk is low, controlling access with right turn bans or closing access to minor streets from arterials, pedestrian protection changes to signal phasing, options for separation of cyclists and motorcyclists.
- Increase deployment of speed/red light cameras at intersections with the highest risk of fatal and serious injury.