The National Road Safety Strategy review identified several areas where priority ‘enabling’ work is needed to support the long-term development of a Safe System.
The following actions are intended to:
- facilitate the introduction of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems in Australia
- promote Safe System planning in urban settings
- encourage private sector adoption of Safe System practices in the workplace
- improve our capacity to measure and analyse non-fatal crashes.
16. Establish an operational framework to enable the introduction and operation of Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (C-ITS) safety applications in Australia.
Austroads to lead the establishment of an operational framework, which will include licensing of radio communications, certification of equipment and services, and other supporting systems (e.g. security, privacy, positioning, etc).
By end-2016:
C-ITS deployment to be enabled so that equipment and applications fitted to new vehicles can be introduced and operated in Australia.
17. Implement and promote a range of Safe System demonstration projects in urban settings, with a focus on the safety of vulnerable road users.
States and territories in consultation with local governments
States and territories, in consultation with local governments, to identify candidate locations and initiate Safe System transformation projects.
Jurisdictions to prepare case studies that will inform the development of Safe System transformation guidelines, and contribute to broader awareness of road safety needs in urban/transport planning.
By end-2017:
A range of demonstration projects to have commenced, with some progressed to completion.
18. Encourage private sector organisations to implement best practice fleet and workplace safety policies.
Commonwealth; and States and territories.
Work with the National Road Safety Partnership Program and state-based partnership initiatives to encourage road safety improvements in the workplace.
By end-2017
Increased private sector participation in road safety partnership programmes, and demonstrated implementation of best practice road safety policies.
19. Examine and progress options to improve measurement and reporting of non-fatal and disabling injury crashes, particularly through the development of matched crash and hospital database systems.
Commonwealth; States and territories; and Austroads
Establish a national working group through Austroads to examine best practice options, review the position of individual jurisdictions, and develop recommendations for consideration and implementation.
By end-2017:
Recommendations developed and considered by all jurisdictions.